Thursday 8 May 2014

Hello readers! I want your feedback!

Thursday 8 May 2014
Seriously. Some questions. What do you like about my blog? What don't you like? What should I do more of? What should I be focusing less on? What are your favourite types of post? Do you wish I covered more TV? Or more film? How about more reviews of old TV shows? Would you enjoy some guest-written posts? Is the tone of the blog appealing? Should I lighten up more? Or should I get more serious? Do you need more features and less "typical" posts to keep you interested? Are you happy with the amount of updates per week? What prevents you commenting on posts? Do you share favourite posts on social media? If not, why not?

Basically: is there anything you want to get off your chest, dear reader? I can't say I will make changes based one just a few random comments, but it's always interesting to hear back from those who read DMD. And if enough people seem to have a problem or concern in a particular area, it could encourage me to fix things. Please, let me know your thoughts below.