Wednesday 13 May 2015

Coming Soon: FRAME RATED

Wednesday 13 May 2015

It's time to share some news that has been developing for the past few months, with the readers of this 'ere blog. I'm creating and editing a new site, called FRAME RATED. Full details below:


This is a new Wordpress site I've created, also focusing on TV/film reviews and features. You can visit and bookmark, although it isn't live yet.

What's the difference between FRAME RATED and DAN'S MEDIA DIGEST?
DMD is a personal blog that's informal about content because it's essentially an outlet for random thoughts swirling around my head. FRAME RATED is going to be more cultivated and edited, with less posts per month. However, the main difference is it's a team-written site, with the onus on a core group of team members, with the ability to publish quality submissions from contributors.

Why create another site that does broadly the same things as DMD?

The problem with DMD these days is I have less time to write, or compulsion to write about everything, so daily coverage has dropped in the past 3 years. FRAME RATED will be less time-consuming because of the team aspect, and a fresher challenge as its creator and editor-in-chief.

Couldn't you have just changed DMD to become a team-site?
I flirted with the idea quite seriously, but to be honest the blog's title has always been a barrier to that. I don't think serious contributors want to piggyback onto another person's blog that's filled with nearly a decade of one man's opinions.

When does FRAME RATED launch?
There's no date yet because I'm still fine-tuning the design and plugins, but it's likely to be during the summer.

Does this mean the end of DMD?

No, don't worry. DMD will always be my personal corner of the web. In the past, I've used DMD to link to writing I've done for other sites, so the same will happen when anything's posted to FRAME RATED. (I will most likely post a weekly roundup of links to new FR content, too.) Basically, I'm now perceiving DMD as a 'hub' for all my writing exploits, but it will still have its own unique content. Some things just wouldn't be a good fit for FRAME RATED, or I'd also like to cover shows that other writers are tackling on FR.

I'd love to write for your new site! How do I get involved?

That's great! Send me 3 examples of a TV/film review you've done within the past few years, as attachments or web-links, together with a brief outline of the kind of things you'd like to write about. I can't guarantee you'll be successful, however—even if you are known to me through DMD—so please DON'T BE OFFENDED if you don't make the cut. I can't accept submissions from everyone. I value my readers, but would hate to alienate any of you, if your writing submission isn't strong enough, or I sense a stylistic mismatch with FR. But feel free to send me something if you can take rejection in a mature way.

And that's essentially it. I will, of course, let everyone know when FRAME RATED goes live, and sincerely hope most of you will bookmark it, share content, add the RSS feed, re-tweet favourite posts, follow the site's Twitter page, and enjoy this next step in my online endeavours.