Sunday 9 August 2015

State of the Blog: blog content, writing distractions, and autumn TV

Sunday 9 August 2015

It seems like I'm always apologising for a lack of new content recently, but ironically I've never been busier! Frame Rated is inevitably taking up a lot of my spare time lately, as I'm editing every post that goes up and trying to organise a lot of people's time and workload. Which isn't easy when you're doing that through e-mail and Twitter. But it's been a fun challenge and I encourage you to check out, even if you're only really interested in my own writing there. I hope something of my personality is seeping into the site's tone and overall quality levels, even if the majority of the content is being generated by others. I will continue to link to pieces at Frame Rated that I myself have written, and post the entire week's updates every Friday.

We're in the tail-end of summer, of course, which is never a good time for TV and film blogs. There isn't much on right now, but September and October will be a whole different story. DMD and Frame Rated will increase productivity, and I promise this blog won't be neglected for my "other venture". In fact, because FR is a more "cultivated" group site, I'm finding DMD a little more appealing to write for suddenly... because it's always been 100% me and I can alternate between serious reviews and humorous nonsense. It's good to have two things that scratch different itches.

If you have any questions or suggestions about anything, this is the best place to leave a comment.