Friday 9 November 2007

Red Planet: Today's the day...

Friday 9 November 2007
If I don't hear anything about my 10-page script submission from the Red Planet team by tonight... I didn't make it to the second round. At this stage, after numerous delays in announcing the finalists -- I actually feel as if I lost back in September, and everything since then has been a little joke.

The weird thing is: I was quite happy with the 10-pages I sent off for the August deadline, but I'm only mildly happy with the rest of the script!

The story developed and began to twist around in the writing process – which, ordinarily, isn't a problem. I follow a outline, but always find that scene lengths are difficult to judge in outlines... so the script usually becomes more ungainly than planned. Then the characters appear more "alive" in the script -- so the whole thing gets better, but bigger, and sometimes heads into uncharted territory for a bit.

If what the characters are doing is a huge improvement on the outline, and fits the direction of the story -- I'll go with it. It's not usually a problem. I actually like it when scripts do this, as religiously following a prepared structure can be stifling at times. As long as the characters don't take the story too far off-track, I'm happy...

But, because of the 10-page aspect to the Red Planet rules – it has become a slight problem – because I can't change the opening groundwork. If I could do one last overall rewrite – I'd be a bit happier. But I can't.

Next year I'll definitely (a) write something shorter (30 pages, not 55) and (b) get started months before the competition even starts. That way I stand a chance of submitting the first 10 pages of a finished script -- which I won't fuss over as I wait... and wait... for second phase success.

It would certainly have been simpler if they'd just asked for completed scripts. Then it's simple "do, or don't".

But we'll see. Tonight.

UPDATE: Well, according to other blogs, if you haven't been e-mailed by Red Planet already, you didn't make it through. So.. I didn't make it through. Bum. Ahhh well, there's always next year...