Friday 21 December 2007

'Tis the season to be jolly...

Friday 21 December 2007

Hooray! I have 2 weeks off for Christmas (22 December – 7 January). Consequently, the frequency of updates will be much lower for the next fortnight. But I hope you'll continue to drop in – if only to keep my traffic from flatlining...

There will be some updates, of course. I definitely want to review Doctor Who and Extras, for example. I'm also likely to see a few films in the cinema (like I Am Legend), while seasonal inspiration may hit me throughout the holiday period.

As 2007 draws to a close, I'd also like to say thanks for your support of Dan's Media Digest this year. I genuinely appreciate everyone who visits -- and even people who stumble here by chance!

Keeping a blog active, interesting and entertaining can be hard-work. I only do it because I enjoy television and films enough to jabber on about it for free. Knowing there are so many people reading makes it all worthwhile.

In particular, thanks to all those people who took the time to comment on my posts, or e-mail me with some kind words.

Thank you and... Merry Christmas!