Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Watchmen: Flaming Rorschach

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

The first official photograph from Zack Snyder's recently-wrapped Watchmen film has been released on the official site (see above). That's masked vigilante Rorschach on the far left, burning up a bad guy. Looks impressive, no?

Could this be an adaptation of Alan Moore's work that does his source material justice? God, I hope so! From Hell lacked the depth and intelligence of Moore's book, League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen was a disaster, Constantine pointlessly Americanized Moore's British character, and V For Vendetta only got a few elements right.

But, despite the fact Moore always distances himself from projects that adapt his work (refusing a credit and deferring payment to the artists), I hope Snyder's Watchmen is a perfect translation. Good enough for fans to embrace wholeheartedly... and for their acceptance to possibly encourage Moore to watch it himself – and maybe even approve of it. A long shot, I know...

Or it might just be crud, like Moore expects. But I have a good feeling. I'm very hopeful. I've read the script – and it's a damn good read. I've seen photos of the sets – and they look fantastic. The cast is excellent; relative unknowns, but talented. There's a lot of money behind the picture from Warner Brothers. Snyder did a decent job coping with the special effects on 300. And that photo above looks awesome, despite not actually revealing very much.

Keep watching....