Thursday 26 March 2009

TRAILER PARK: Where The Wild Things Are

Thursday 26 March 2009

I've read Where The Wild Things Are, but have no real recollection of it. The illustrations were always the thing that drew me to that book in my school's library. Spike Jonze (Being John Malkovich) has directed a movie version of the beloved classic (long delayed, allegedly because the studio were unhappy and considering reshooting the whole thing.) While that doesn't bode well, it's hard not to be drawn into Jonze's vision with this trailer. It's every bit as imaginative and indie-styled as you'd expect from the director of two Charlie Kaufman scripts, while the titular "Wild Things" (a combinaition of suitmation, animatronics and CGI) look particularly impressive.

It makes a change to have fantastical creatures in a movie that occupy genuine space, and don't just exist on a geek's hard-drive somewhere. I'd still like to see more before I get too excited, but this has my interest now. I just hope the book's short narrative can sustain a feature film, or else this could face the same problems encountered by The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.

HD Download: 480P (37MB) | 720P (83MB) | 1080P (150MB)
Released: 16 October 2009 (US)